In This Section

  • Vice president - Region III


Stanley Gregory, CSP

S Gregory photo


Stan joined INSURICA in 2015 as a member of the Risk Management Services team. He takes pride in providing risk management solutions for customers in all industries, with a special emphasis on behavioral safety solutions. Stan's primary focus is working with large employers to improve their risk profiles and implement custom-tailored safety and risk management plans. EXPERIENCE As a life-long learner and risk management professional, Stan has more than three decades of experience providing risk, safety and loss prevention results. He has built a wealth of experience working with national and regional insurance carriers, as well as large insurance brokers. Additionally, he has worked as a regional manager with several safety consulting groups. His work has always been client-focused, providing risk management services, including risk assessments, consulting services, and safety training. EDUCATION AND DESIGNATIONS Stan graduated from Oklahoma State University with a BS in Engineering Technology, focusing on Fire Protection and Safety. He obtained his Certified Safety Professional (CSP) designation, which is widely regarded as the premiere designation within the industry. He is a 30-year member of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), and he has served as Chapter Secretary, President and Delegate for the South Texas Chapter and has held various positions in Region III from Area Director, Deputy RVP and ARVP for Professional Development.

Platform Statement

I have served our Society including roles within the South Texas Chapter include President, Delegate and Advisory Group member. In Region III, I have served as Deputy RVP, ARVP of Student Affairs and ARVP of PDC’s. My goal is to continue to serve in a role where my knowledge, skills and leadership can have impact in achieving goals that Society has set. I am skilled in working with teams will meet our respective goals. I can perform in roles and delegate or identify strengths in others to help our mutual goals achieved. I have been associated with Construction and Risk Management sections within the region and will support and deliver a member value service to our membership. I would also focus on our next generation of Risk Management members to promote the value of what ASSP can be to those young or new safety professionals in this specialty group. I am passionate about serving and focused on our Student Sections and members to introduce the various roles available to them and what the expectations are of those employers. I also provide guidance and leadership to Chapter Leaders and others through Region III’s Student Leadership Conference, Regional Operating Committees, Region and Society PDC’s. I strongly support our Foundation by supporting the mechanisms that fund Safety Matters. One of the keys that I believe can help Chapter Leaders, is to follow the succession planning process and use their resources from Area Director or other Chapters’ successes to help them become more successful leader in their respective Chapter.


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