In This Section

  • Region IV South Florida Area


Philip Zazzera, M.S., CSP


Driven by the love and insatiable passion for heightening the awareness of Safety that people encounter each and every day. Throughout the years there has been a paradigm shift of safety that encourages, empowers and motivates people that Safety is value added. My skillset is one of a servant leadership approach that is analytical, creative but yet encompasses a "boots on the ground" mindset. A mental prowess that is dynamic, independent which focuses on best practice and continuous improvement. My peers and partners consider me an exceptionally resourceful, dedicated, and versatile Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) leader, offering over 20 years of experience in construction project management, across many sectors; Telco, landscaping, solar, healthcare, pharma, hospitality, wastewater treatment, marine, heavy civil, and commercial projects. I perform rigorous assessments that promote safety functions in alignment with business expectations, and direct activities that drive efficiency, communications, collaboration, and maintains strict adherence to all federal, state, and local regulatory compliance mandates. I'm an expert at expense and revenue management, training, consulting, and mentoring, managing multiple simultaneous projects and teams, and integral in strategic planning for equipment, reporting, and inspections. Career achievements: - 2023-2025, ASSP SunCoast Chapter President - 2022-2023, ASSP SunCoast Chapter Vice President - 1998-2021, Verona Fire Dept. - Fire Fighter - 2019-2021, Verona Fire Dept. - Lieutenant - 2010-2021, Verona Fire Dept. - Relief Association, Treasurer - 1994-1997, East Hanover Fire Dept. - Fire Fighter

Platform Statement

As the Regional 4 South Florida Area Director, I bring a wealth of both professional experience and long-standing membership in ASSP. Having served as Vice President and President of the Suncoast South West Florida Chapter, I have had the opportunity of engaging and learning from the very best in the safety profession throughout my career. My primary goal is simple yet significant; mentor and contribute to the advancement of the safety profession and place our organization to a higher standard, one that is truly world class but most importantly creates meaningful experiences and influencing members by establishing connections that last a lifetime. My steadfast plan in achieving these goals is one that establishes a clear communication strategy within the organization and identify opportunities for improvement. A twofold approach shall be taken by increasing membership and focusing on engagement. Create an innovative, out of the box program that captures people from all walks of life and a wide diverse and inclusive community cultivating change and fostering the importance of safety. In closing, my core values and mission statement as an accomplished leader is one that encompasses true passion, support, high level work ethic and diligence to overcome all challenges that may arise. I am so excited about our future and what it may hold.


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