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  • Manufacturing Practice Specialty


Paul A Zoubek, CSP, CIH


Paul A Zoubek, CIH, CSP, CESCP is a nationally EHS recognized consultant in the areas of electrical and mechanical safety and is founder and president of Zoubek Consulting, LLC based out of southern California. He provides expert advice in the areas of management and engineering control of workplace hazards for organizations nationwide, with a focus on manufacturing environments. He advises organizations in the areas of engineering control, written safety program development, and training. Specialties includes electrical safety program management development & training, machine safeguarding risk assessment & hazard control, workplace fall protection competent person proficient & sustainability evaluations, hazardous energy control procedure development & auditing, worker environmental exposure evaluation & management, and legal/expert witness testimony. He leads a team of six EHS professionals who provide expert advice in areas of occupational safety and hazardous materials management. Zoubek presents annually at ASSP, AIHA, and NFPA conferences on topics such as electrical safety, machine safeguarding, risk assessment, lockout/tagout, and industrial hygiene. Publications in Professional Safety Journal include topics on NFPA 70E/Electrical Safety/Arc Flash. Publications in AIHA Synergist include workplace fall protection and professional ethics. He authored Machine Safeguarding Risk Assessment: A Guidance Document for Achieving Acceptable Risk (AIHA Publications, 2012). He was a member AIHA Safety Committee (2003-2015), Chair (2013-14), ASSP Risk Assessment Committee (2017-2019), NFPA Electrical Section (present) and ASSP Manufacturing Specialty Practice (present).

Platform Statement

Leadership and participation are key elements of a successful safety program whether that be an EHS management system or a technical committee endeavor. I have spent my 35-year career administrating safety programs in manufacturing organizations in both leadership and participatory roles. I support ASSP’s efforts to sustain a practice specialty dedicated to enhancing worker health in safety in manufacturing environments. There are infinite opportunities for outreach, networking, and education for ASSP members and the community to support these safety efforts. From an engagement perspective I feel there are opportunities for engaging members and interested communities, encompassing their ideas, and applying proactive solutions on emerging issues in the interest of worker safety. Using key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the SMART Model (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time Oriented) I believe that goals can be achieved for the betterment of worker health and safety in manufacturing settings. Using the management system concepts of Plan-Do-Check-Act provides a framework for goals and KPIs. As a regular speaker at ASSP, NFPA, and AIHA events, author of publications that have demonstrated emerging issues, and member of various committees throughout these safety organizations, I have a strong desire to mitigate barriers may inhibit accomplishment of goals and take the lead in member and community engagement in the Manufacturing Practice Specialty.


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