In This Section

Society Operating Guidelines

About ASSP

Our Society Operating Guidelines describe in detail the manner in which American Society of Safety Professionals is structured and governed. They are intended to accompany and be consistent with ASSP bylaws.

Section 6.7: Nomination and Election of Society Officers

I. Purpose and Scope

Composition and duties of the Nominations and Elections Committee, as well as key candidate deadlines are specified in the ASSP bylaws, Article XIII, Nominations and Elections. Additional process milestone dates will be determined by the Nominations and Elections Committee.

The Board of Directors requires the Nominations & Elections committee to publish the evaluation process. To ensure proper oversight, the evaluation process will be provided to the Board of Directors prior to publishing.

I. Nominations and Elections Committee Guidelines

Note: Confidentiality of committee proceedings is essential and members shall refrain from discussing actions of the Nominations and Elections Committee outside of the group unless discussion or disclosure is required by the Board of Directors.

A call for nominations and contact with potential nominees for ASSP offices shall be conducted.

A. Request for Candidate Information

ASSP members who want to be considered for nomination for office shall be requested to submit the following materials to be considered as a candidate. Specifications will be per the Nominations and Elections Committee.

  • Completed candidate form
  • Biography
  • Platform statement
  • Confirmed employer's statement of support
  • Any supplementary material required by the Nominations and Elections Committee

B. Candidate Review

The Nominations and Elections Committee shall review all candidate materials.The committee will evaluate all potential candidates following the published process set forth each year by the Nominations & Elections Committee. The committee members will conduct open and frank discussions on the candidates.

The initial review will be anonymous by removing name and gender identification. By anonymizing applications, reviewers will focus on the merit of the application and limit potential unconscious bias. Following the initial review, the candidates names will be released to the committee to support the evaluation process.

C. Contacting the Nominees

A member of the committee shall contact the potential candidates as soon as possible, preferably by phone. If one or more nominees for a position decline the nomination, then the next highest ranked qualified alternate candidate(s) should be offered the opportunity to accept the nomination without further consideration or deliberation by the committee.

D. Contacting Those Not Nominated

After nominees have accepted the nomination, the other candidates who were seeking nomination shall be contacted by member of the committee and thanked for their interest and dedication to the Society.

II. Regional Nominations and Elections

A. Qualifications for Regional Vice Presidents and Area Directors

Regional vice presidents (RVP) and area directors shall fulfill the following requirements in addition to the bylaws:

  • Reside, or be employed in and hold their primary ASSP chapter membership in a chapter within the region/area the RVP/area director represents.
  • Have held a position of leadership within the region, area or chapter or other senior leadership position.

B. Regional Nominations and Elections Committee

The composition of the Regional Nominations and Elections Committees are covered in ASSP bylaws Article XIII, Nominations and Elections.

In the event that the deputy RVP is running for office, the Region Operating Committee shall appoint a Regional Nominations and Elections Committee chair. The name of the Regional Nominations and Elections Committee chair is to be sent to ASSP staff immediately following appointment. The Regional Nominations and Elections Committee shall provide a slate of qualified nominees who are capable of fulfilling the duties of the region and area offices, in accordance with the timeline and materials set by the ASSP Nominations and Elections Committee.

At a meeting of the Regional Nominations and Elections Committee, a quorum is established when a plurality of the committee is present. Note: Confidentiality of committee proceedings is essential and members shall refrain from discussing actions of the Regional Nominations and Elections Committee outside of the group.

C. Nominations

A call for nominations and contact with potential nominees for regional offices shall be conducted, The call must be received through the annual ASSP call for nominations.  Note: Nominations by members in response to the ASSP call for nominations will be forwarded to the Regional Nominations and Elections Committee chair for consideration by that committee.

D. Candidate Review

The Regional Nominations and Elections Committee shall review all candidate materials. The committee members will conduct an open and frank discussion on all candidates after which at least two candidate per position will be submitted to the ASSP Nominations and Elections Committee for evaluation and final approval.

III. Practice Specialty and Common Interest Group Elections

A. Qualifications for Administrators and Assistant Administrators

Administrators and Assistant Administrators shall fulfill the following requirements in addition to the bylaws:

  • Be a current member of the Practice Specialty or Common Interest Group

B. Candidate Review

Practice Specialty and Common Interest Group Administrators, Assistant Administrators and/or a sub-committee of the PS/CIG appointed by the Administrator/Assistant Administrator shall review all candidate materials. These members will conduct an open and frank discussion on all candidates and will recommend at least two candidates to the ASSP Nominations and Elections Committee for evaluation and final approval.

IV. Election Ballot Process

A list of all candidates with their platform statements and biographies will be published and made available to members.

An electronic ballot for election of officers shall be distributed to all members eligible to vote.

To be counted, completed and returned ballots must be received by ASSP or the selected election vendor no later than 30 days after ballots are distributed in accordance with the due date specified on the ballot.

Only members in good standing within 30 days prior to distribution of the ballot will be sent a ballot.

Ballots shall be made available as follows:

  • Senior vice president, vice president, finance, director-at-large and council vice presidents to all ASSP members.
  • Regional vice presidents to members in the respective regions.
  • For practice specialty assistant administrators to members of the respective practice specialty.
  • For common interest group assistant administrators to members of the respective common interest group.
  • For area directors to members of the respective areas.

Ballots will be electronically counted and processed and will be confidential. The nominee receiving a plurality of the votes cast for an elective office shall be considered elected.

Members of the Nominations and Elections Committee and staff shall not disclose the results of the election to anyone, unless authorized by Nominations and Elections Committee chair, until all candidates have been advised.

The Nominations and Elections Committee chair shall be responsible for ensuring all of the candidates are notified as promptly as possible. The staff liaison will provide written confirmation of the election outcome.

If any candidate questions the election results, they should:
  • Discuss the matter with the Nominations and Elections Committee chair. The chair will provide the candidate with the third party verified results.

Notice of all election results shall be published in an ASSP publication or made available to all members.

V. Special Elections

ASSP bylaws include provisions for handling special elections caused by vacancy in Article XIII, Section 4.

  • Members in good standing shall have 21 days to vote and no ballots shall be counted if received after that 21-day period.

To win a special election a candidate must receive a plurality of the votes cast.

Approved By | Date: Board of Directors | 06/2024
Replaces Edition Dated: 09/2023
Next Revision Due: 06/2027

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