Section 6.16: Standards Development Committee Operating Procedures
I. Roles and Accountability
The Standards Development Committee (SDC) is responsible for strategic oversight of the OSH [occupational safety and health] ANSI/ASSP standards activities of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) (Society) including adherence to the policy and procedures approved by the Society's Board of Directors and the requirements of the American National Standards Institute, [ANSI].
II. Committee Membership
- The committee shall not exceed seven members, including the chair.
- Members will represent a good balance of professional and technical interests.
- SDC members need to be members of the Society and have background and experience with ANSI/ASSP Standards since they are proving oversight of the ANSI/ASSP Standards Development Program.
- The Chair will be appointed by the President Elect, subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The term of the chair is one year, renewable for a maximum of three consecutive years. The chair can serve on the committee (including member at large) for up to six years total to allow for synergy and succession planning.
- SDC members shall be appointed by the Senior Vice-President with insight from the Chair, subject to approval by the Board of Directors.
- Committee members at large serve a three-year term with the option of one additional three-year term if warranted for special conditions. Appointments are structured to allow for staggered terms.
- The chair may delegate a vice chair from among the committee members. The council vice chair can serve as acting chair in absence of the chair.
III. Task Forces
- Task forces may be formed, following the ASSP business planning and task force appointment processes, to execute committee workplans.
IV. Committee Operations
A. Meetings
- Method: The committee will meet virtually.
- Schedule: The schedule of meetings shall be drawn up by the Chair and agreed to by the committee members.
- Quorum and Voting: A quorum exists when at least one-half of the members of the committee are present at a meeting, one of whom must be the chair, or the vice chair, who will be the presiding officer. If a quorum is present, a majority vote
of members present shall be decisive when a vote is taken.
- Committee Business: The committee may transact official business at meetings, and in writing.
- Minutes: Minutes will be prepared for each committee meeting when official business is conducted.
B. Budgeting and Finance
The committee operates within the Society budget, including travel, meeting and staff support expenses. Task forces are funded through specific budget actions of the Board of Directors.
Addendum I: SDC Responsibilities
- Generate guidelines for Society involvement in standards development.
- Provide oversight for ANSI/ASSP standards activities meeting the ASSP Standards Operating Procedures accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the ANSI Essential Requirements Document.
- Serve as the final decision-making body for ASSP standards related issues not specifically addressed by the ASSP accredited procedures.
- Monitor standards from national/international consensus standards organizations to identify matters of Society interest.
- Review appropriate national/international consensus standards, which fall within the purview of ASSP, as well as the public review procedures of the various standards developers.
- Approve the initiation and scope of standards, technical reports, committees, and initiatives as covered by the steps in the accredited procedures.
- Appoint leadership for standards committees and taskforces per the steps in the accredited procedures.
- Remove leadership for standards committees and taskforces with new leadership per the steps in the accredited procedures.
- Review progress of ANSI/ASSP standards, technical reports, and initiatives.
- Solicit information on standards activity from the ASSP Leadership and other ASSP members with an interest in standards development.
- Assist applicable staff and volunteers with the review of federal agencies, proposed rulemakings, and the development of replies thereto, concerning the ASSP position to ensure consistency with national/ international consensus standards supported by ASSP.
- Submit reports to ASSP leadership for presentations and meetings as assigned.
- Review standards opportunities and seek ASSP representation to those standards committees, which are relevant to the Society interests.
Approved By | Date: Board of Directors | 3/2024
Next Revision Due: 1/2027