Section 5.1: Board Meetings
I. Schedule of Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet at least once each fiscal year. Additional meetings maybe conducted as provided by the ASSP bylaws.
II. Presiding Officer
The president serves as chair of the Board of Directors and presides at all board meetings. If the president is unavailable to preside, the president-elect presides. If the president-elect is unavailable to preside, then the senior vice president presides.
The president approves the board agendas.
III. Other Roles
A. Governance Manager
The governance manager shall:
- Issue calls for meetings and Board of Directors reports
- Coordinate agendas
- Assemble and provide board briefing books containing the agenda, items scheduled for discussion and board/staff reports
- Keep a record of motions and prepare the minutes of all board meetings
B. Parliamentarian
The president appoints a parliamentarian for each board meeting.
- Depending on the complexity of agenda items to be discussed at a meeting, the president may decide to hire a certified parliamentarian, appoint a member of the Board of Directors or appoint a trained member of the ASSP governance staff as parliamentarian.
IV. Records/Minutes
All motions approved by the Board of Director will be recorded in the minutes. Minutes shall be distributed to members of the board for approval.
Approved By | Date: Board of Directors | 3/2024
Replaces Edition Dated: 12/2019
Next Revision Due: 1/2026