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Underwriters Laboratories Standards and Impact on OSH Professionals

Aug 30, 2021


This interview-style discussion session, recorded on Aug. 19, 2021, underscores the importance and impact of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standards. UL’s Phil Piqueira, vice president, global standards, and ASSP CEO Jennifer McNelly provide background on UL standards and how they impact occupational safety and health professionals. Piqueira and McNelly discuss UL. involvement in International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and other international programs. They also discuss UL writing standards on use of technology in safety, and the growth and impact of global standards versus American National Standards.


Philip M. Piqueira
philip_piqueiraPhilip M. Piqueira is vice president-global standards for Underwriters Laboratories Inc. His is responsible for managing UL’s global standards operation and is responsible for standards professionals in the U.S., Canada, China, Denmark, India, Mexico, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates. He is active on several standards organizations including the U.S. National Committee of the IEC and the American National Standards Institute. Piqueira is chair of the ANSI Board of Directors and is a past president of the U.S. National Committee of the IEC. He received NEMA’s prestigious “Kite and Key” award in 2002 for standards leadership, ANSI’s Meritorious Service Award in 2007 for contributions to the U.S. voluntary standardization system and the Astin-Polk International Standards Medal in 2015 for promoting trade.

Jennifer McNelly, CAE
jennifer_mcnellyJennifer McNelly, CAE, is the CEO of ASSP. McNelly has more than 30 years of association, government, regulatory and business experience. As CEO, McNelly advances the organization’s mission to help its members and their employers create safe work environments worldwide through the prevention of injuries, illnesses and fatalities. She works with the Board of Directors and ASSP's professional staff to execute ASSP’s strategic plan for growth while building on the Society’s legacy and addressing the evolving needs of more than 36,000 safety and health professionals around the globe, strengthening the Society’s position as a leading voice while fostering a collaborative culture of member engagement, performance, accountability and innovation. She served at the U.S. Department of Labor as director of the Business Relations Group and administrator of its Office of Regional Innovation and Transformation. McNelly earned the Secretary of Labor’s Exceptional Achievement Award and was named among the 100 Women Leaders in STEM.

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